Manage Your Email The Better Way

Just about everyone knows that e-mail or email is a Synonym for Electronic Mail, a system for sending and receiving electronic messages between computers over some sort of Network. It also refers to the messages sent over such a system.

Now, as far as being efficient, and having co-workers happier to open your e-mails, here are some tips: In your subject line, try to come up with a line that gets their attention and is to the point, much like a Magazine header or Newspaper headline. In addition, within the body of the e-mail put the most important information in the first paragraph. Leave all the supporting details and interesting tangential issues to the paragraphs that follow.

In addition, as with any sort of writing, us the active rather than the passive voice most of the time. For example, use "The dog ate the food" instead of "The food was eaten by the dog." Etc. If you use too much passive voice, your readers might fall asleep at their desks.

One more tip. Limit the amount of time you spend dealing with e-mail during the day. Avoid those little windows that pop up whenever you have a new message. That way you will get better in managing your e-mail rather than have it manage you. Oh, and those Smiley face icons? Drag them to the trash right away.

When people first started sending email, it was a very casual medium. Some people insisted that standard rules of Spelling and Grammar need not apply. If you are in that camp, you might want to think again, especially if you have or aspire to a professional career.

Bear in mind that whatever you send can be broadcast by your recipients to countless others with the push of a button. Do you really want to be careless, knowing this is the case? I think you probably not.

Therefore, make your messages correct, concise, to the point, and tidy. Do not put anything you would not want others to read in an email, especially at work. In addition, it is good to avoid sending complex information (Nobody wants to get Red Eyes trying to read and absorb a mass of detailed information on screen), sensitive topics as well as private or confidential information via e-mail.

Jokes are often good to avoid. Stories that might be funny to you; the person you are sending them to, might find offensive to someone they are passed on to down the line.

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